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Council invited to ‘rid us of his memory’ after former mayor jailed for rape

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A Wisbech councillor is calling for disgraced former Mayor Aigars Balsevics – jailed last month for six and a half a years – to have his name expunged from the records.

Independent councillor Dave Patrick has lodged a motion to that affect to Monday’s meeting of the town council.

The motion, accepted by the town clerk Terry Jordan and added to the agenda, will see Cllr Patrick propose a to remove Balsevics from any form of recognition through traditional ways of honouring former mayors.

Cllr Patrick will propose that: “Following the conviction of ex-mayor Aigars Balsevics on a charge of rape, that his name be struck from the mayoral role of honour and his photograph removed from the mayoral chamber”.

It is not clear if his photograph was ever placed on the roll of honour, but Cllr Patrick is determined it never will be.

“This is a modest but principled motion reflecting how the town feels about him,” said Cllr Patrick.

“I hope it will attract unanimous support from all councillors, irrespective of their past allegiances to their former Conservative colleague.”

He added: “Quite simply we want, and need, to be rid of even his memory.”

Civic moment for Aigars Balsevics

Motion to Wisbech Town Council on September 4: “Following the conviction of ex-mayor Aigars Balsevics on a charge of rape, that his name be struck from the Mayoral role of honour and his photograph removed from the mayoral chamber.”

The former Conservative mayor of Wisbech was jailed for six and a half years after being convicted of raping a woman at her home in the town.

Motion to Wisbech Town Council on September 4: “Following the conviction of ex-mayor Aigars Balsevics on a charge of rape, that his name be struck from the Mayoral role of honour and his photograph removed from the mayoral chamber.”

Motion to Wisbech Town Council on September 4: “Following the conviction of ex-mayor Aigars Balsevics on a charge of rape, that his name be struck from the Mayoral role of honour and his photograph removed from the mayoral chamber.”

Balsevics, of Burcroft Road, Wisbech, denied two charges of rape and went on trial at Peterborough Crown Court.

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On July 31 he was found guilty on both counts.

Balsevics, 42, went to the woman’s home on 24 May 2021.

Cllr Andrew Lynn, who took over from Balsevics as mayor, once said: “Aigars is a really nice gentleman and a great friend, I wish you would actually take the time to go meet him for yourself and then you would see, throughout a very difficult year he raised £5000 for local charities, supported business and children’s charities, it’s a shame only the negative things are only ever made public “

Cllr Andrew Lynn, who took over from Balsevics as mayor, once said: “Aigars is a really nice gentleman and a great friend, I wish you would actually take the time to go meet him for yourself and then you would see, throughout a very difficult year he raised £5000 for local charities, supported business and children’s charities, it’s a shame only the negative things are only ever made public “

While there he raped the victim, despite her crying and repeatedly telling him no.

When she tried to get away Balsevics stopped her from leaving the room and raped her again.

After the attack, the distressed victim contacted two friends who arrived at the property and Balsevics left.

The woman reported what happened to police and Balsevics was arrested in the early hours of the following day (25 May).

DC Katie Housham said: “I would like to commend the victim for her bravery throughout and I hope this conviction will help her as she tries to rebuild her life.

Former Wisbech mayor and former Tory councillor Aigars Balsevics who has been convicted of rape. Custody photo released by Cambridgeshire Police

Former Wisbech mayor and former Tory councillor Aigars Balsevics who has been convicted of rape. Custody photo released by Cambridgeshire Police

“Balsevics ignored her repeated pleas for him to stop and even refused to let her leave when she tried to get away. I’m pleased he has now faced justice for his actions.

“I would like to encourage anyone who has been the victim of a sexual offence to report it to the police. Your report will be taken very seriously, and we will always treat you with the utmost sensitivity and respect.”


Motion to Wisbech Town Council on September 4: “Following the conviction of ex-mayor Aigars Balsevics on a charge of rape, that his name be struck from the Mayoral role of honour and his photograph removed from the mayoral chamber.”


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