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Cambridge primary schools get free copy of climate change book

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Cambridge-based public relations and marketing agency, Conscious Communications, celebrated Children’s Book Week by donating copies of newly released Bright New World to local schools.

Free copies of the lavishly illustrated non-fiction climate change book will be donated to the 30 primary schools in Cambridge.

“It is part of our ongoing commitment to having a positive impact on the local community and the wider world,” said an agency spokesperson.

Bright New World, written by Cambridge-based author and renowned environmentalist, Cindy Forde, is a climate change book with a difference.

The book focuses on the amazing possible future by highlighting and profiling some of the brightest young inventors, entrepreneurs, and activists across the world. While the book’s vision is bold and optimistic, its eager hopefulness is based on genuine science, and highlights many projects which are currently being developed.

The book encourages readers to step into the future and into to a world in which today’s children have grown up and tackled the world’s most pressing social and environmental problems.

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Conscious Communications managing director, Alison Taylor, said: “It brings us great joy to be celebrating Children’s Book Week by donating books to primary schools in the city.

“When thinking about protecting our planet, it is easy for children to feel overwhelmed and helpless when faced with things like climate change.

“Bright New World presents an alternative, positive, and very possible future, if people act now, and educating children about important environmental issues in a positive and digestible format is vital.

“Our hope is that students, their teachers, parents, and families, will read Bright New World and feel inspired to become active in protecting the environment.

“There should be a copy in every school library across the country.”




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