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By George! Town could get another HMO

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A six bedroom house in the centre of Huntingdon could be turned into a 9-bedroom house in multiple occupation (HMO).

An application for change of use has been submitted to Huntingdonshire District Council planning.

16 George Street is located within the High Street, Ermine Street and Environs conservation area.

 “The only physical change to the site is an additional storey over the existing garage located at the rear of the property,” says the application to council planners.

“ We feel this has little impact on the surrounding conservation area and local heritage assets. How has the scheme taken account of the level and nature of the significance of heritage assets and their setting?

“The proposed extension has been designed to use materials which match that of the existing building so it blends in with its surroundings.

“For instance the almhouses opposite are gault brick with slate roof tiles.

“The extension to the garage will use the same materials to blend in with its context.”

The application says the rear first floor extension will have minimal impact on the surrounding listed buildings.

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A six bedroom house in the centre of Huntingdon could be turned into a 9-bedroom house in multiple occupation (HMO).

An application for change of use has been submitted to Huntingdonshire District Council planning.

16 George Street is located within the High Street, Ermine Street and Environs conservation area.

 “The only physical change to the site is an additional storey over the existing garage located at the rear of the property,” says the application to council planners.

“ We feel this has little impact on the surrounding conservation area and local heritage assets. How has the scheme taken account of the level and nature of the significance of heritage assets and their setting?

“The proposed extension has been designed to use materials which match that of the existing building so it blends in with its surroundings.

“For instance the almhouses opposite are gault brick with slate roof tiles.

“The extension to the garage will use the same materials to blend in with its context.”

The application says the rear first floor extension will have minimal impact on the surrounding listed buildings.


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