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Peterborough woman jailed for smashing a bottle over the head of her ex

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An abusive woman flew into a rage and hit her boyfriend with a bottle after he ended their relationship.

Natasha Woodcock, 29, was told the nine-month relationship was over on 21 January this year.

Woodcock begged for him to change his mind, but the victim refused, and he went back to a friend’s home in Wentworth Street, Peterborough, where he had been staying.

However, the following morning, as the victim lay sleeping, Woodcock burst into the room and started kicking and punching him.

Natasha Woodcock, 29, begged her former boyfriend to change his mind: when he refused, she smashed a bottle over his head. He needed 14 stitches.

Natasha Woodcock, 29, begged her former boyfriend to change his mind: when he refused, she smashed a bottle over his head. He needed 14 stitches.

The victim managed to restrain her and get her out of the room; however, she returned ten minutes later and tried to force her way back in.

Despite the man trying to block the door, Woodcock’s arm came through with a bottle in her hand.

The next thing the victim knew, blood was running down his head. He fled to a nearby shop for help, while Woodcock followed, begging him not to tell the police.

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As they reached the shop, security removed her and when the police arrived, they found the victim in the back of an ambulance in Broadway.

He was taken to hospital where he had 14 stitches for a large laceration to the left side of his face, which was just 2mm away from his eye.

A significant amount of blood was found at the scene of the assault as well as the bottle head, and when Woodcock was arrested, a wrap of heroin was found on her.

Officers heard that during their relationship Woodcock had regularly physically abused the victim, which included kicking him, biting his leg and, on one occasion, throwing a kettle at him which hit his head.

At Huntingdon Law Courts on Wednesday, Woodcock, from Peterborough but of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm with intent and possession of heroin. She was sentenced to one year and 18 weeks in prison.

Detective Constable Helena Potgieter said: “This was an incredibly violent attack which could’ve caused a life-changing injury to the victim. Woodcock’s behaviour was inexcusable.

“Domestic abuse is a force priority, and we will do all we can to bring abusers to justice. I am pleased Woodcock has been brought to justice and can now hopefully reflect on her actions.”

You can report domestic abuse on the force website or if you or someone else are in immediate danger or you need support right away, call 999.


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