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Stalker victim praised for ‘courage and bravery’ by Cambs police

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A stalker terrorised a female shop worker, a court heard.

He followed her into work, stared intently at her while she worked, and even followed her on lunch breaks.

It got to the stage where the woman was so afraid, she would hide in the stockroom to avoid him.

Sammy Trujilo, 33, repeatedly entered the store in Cambridge where the victim worked and pretended to look at products while staring over at her. The victim would have to go to the stockroom in the back of the shop to avoid him.

Sammy Trujilo, 33, repeatedly entered the store in Cambridge where the victim worked and pretended to look at products while staring over at her. The victim would have to go to the stockroom in the back of the shop to avoid him.

On one occasion he followed her to a shop round the corner from where she worked.

And he even followed her to a bar in Cambridge where she was having drinks with friends.

Sammy Trujilo, 33, pleaded guilty to stalking and breach of a sexual harm prevention order when he appeared before Cambridge Crown Court last Thursday.

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He was jailed for two years and seven months.

Trujilo of Foster Road, Trumpington, Cambridge, was already the subject of a sexual harm prevention order, forbidding him from following or photographing any woman in public, unless a friend or relative.

Detective Constable Decca Riondino said: “Stalking is a horrendous crime, which leaves victims feeling frightened, distressed, and threatened.

“I would like to take this opportunity to praise the victim for her courage and bravery in reporting this to the police and hope it will encourage others to report these incidents.

“I am pleased Trujilo is now behind bars where he belongs.”

For support and advice about stalking, visit the force website.


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