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OPINION: British Democrats by election victory ‘a dark day for Chatteris’

If British people don’t value our democracy then we will lose it to these right-wing extremists



Your article about the far right winning in Chatteris is more of free manifesto for them than the good balanced journalism we expect from you.  I know that you don’t support their policies, so where is your challenge to them for their obnoxious views?

Do you really think that this reflects the views of the lovely people of Chatteris. Of course it doesn’t.

This was a dark day for Chatteris.

For a long time to come its name will be associated with this loathsome hate filled group on their website and on Wikipedia.

Is this how the people of Chatteris want to be known? Of course not. This wasn’t a victory for the far right, 67 votes is hardly a massive surge of support.

The fact that there are 67 votes for the extreme right in Chatteris, is not the problem (though I wonder if all of them are aware of the real nature of the party. People are of course, entitled to believe any nonsense they like and vote accordingly.

The problem is all the other perfectly decent electorate, who didn’t vote!

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They obviously didn’t care enough about stopping the British Democrats, the successors to the BNP, get elected to vote for either of the perfectly decent candidates.

WATCH: British Democrats win town council by election in Chatteris

If British people don’t value our democracy then we will lose it to these right-wing extremists.

How ironic that this election happened on the day that the government announced its new policy on extremism.

As a result of this election result we can probably expect to be flooded by racists and far right extremist who will be targeting the Fens for other easy wins!

We really do need to be aware of these extremists and use our democracy to show them we don’t agree with them, we don’t accept them, and we will not tolerate them.

I wish your article had reflected this attitude too!

Cllr Martin Field is chair of the NE Cambridgeshire Labour Party and also a town councillor in March.




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