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You can’t park there, sir! Or can you?

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So, here’s a question- do you have less chance of a parking ticket in a) Huntingdon b) Wisbech?

The result, though not scientific by any means, suggests you’re less likely to get a ticket in Wisbech.

Based solely on recent photos, the evidence is that in Huntingdon the phrase ‘you can’t park there, sir’ means just that.

Based solely on recent photos, the evidence is that in Huntingdon the phrase ‘you can’t park there, sir’ means just that. This is Huntingdon

Huntingdonshire Police posted photos of two cars – with tickets – who had unwisely decided to park in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“Parking tickets issued on Huntingdon ring road for causing obstruction to the footpath,” said Policing Huntingdonshire on their Facebook page.

Based solely on recent photos, the evidence is that in Huntingdon the phrase ‘you can’t park there, sir’ means just that. This is Wisbech

But in Wisbech, and the High Street, the mad merry go round of parking at will wherever your fancy takes you, continues.

Two photos of lines of cars parked on double yellow lines surfaced on Twitter at the weekend.

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“I see the double yellow lines are working well in Wisbech High Street,” tweeted one visitor, who correctly copied Cambridgeshire Police into his musings.

Based solely on recent photos, the evidence is that in Huntingdon the phrase ‘you can’t park there, sir’ means just that. This is Huntingdon

Back in Huntingdon, police say its not just in town they have been working their ‘magic’.

The Facebook Policing Huntingdonshire page adds: “Our Specials have been on patrol in Hilton in response to speeding and HGVs driving through the village.

“And officers and cadets have been carrying out speed checks and giving advice to drivers using Edison Bell Road.”

Based solely on recent photos, the evidence is that in Huntingdon the phrase ‘you can’t park there, sir’ means just that. This is Wisbech

They also add a link to anyone with a ‘concern’ to use their online reporting tool.

If you’ve got a concern, report it to police online:


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