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OPINION: ‘Now is the time for you to rise up, and join us’



Thank you to everyone who voted for our Labour candidates in the Fenland elections.

Although we are of course disappointed with the turnout and that we did not achieve any Labour district councillors this time, with your help we made impressive progress with Hannah Orbell, Benedict Allen, Janet O’Keefe and me, Martin Field now on parish or town councils.

But we need your continued support to turn your votes into seats on Fenland District Council in the future.

Across England, Labour council leaders are creating emergency cost of living action plans and reviewing local housing plans to relieve the pressure that the conservative government has placed on working people.

They are making fairer choices for working people and their families and improving lives.

I would also like to thank our excellent Fenland Labour campaign team and candidates and all of you who picked up our spirits on the doorsteps by pledging your support and especially if you put up posters in your windows or boards in your front garden.

There was a great moment on Thursday night, at the vote verification, when the Conservatives were having huddled conversations about what they would do if so and so didn’t get back in.

In some places, March East, for one, it looked like we had a clear majority. However, by Friday, and the actual count which included the postal votes, the smugness had returned to the faces of those with the blue rosettes.

Although the news from around the country was very promising, Fenland had once again bucked the electoral trend and actually elected more Conservatives than before.

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We have made a start at this election.

No candidate got on to the district council without an election. At the next district council election in 2027 we pledge that there will be a Labour candidate standing for each and every one of the 43 seats.

But we cannot do this alone.

If you are angered and frustrated by these results, now is the time for you to rise up, and join us.

That can be as members, supporters, canvassers, volunteers, and future candidates to inspire the local community to vote and convince them that their vote will make a difference and that not all politicians or political parties are the same.

It may only be one year before we are fighting a general election and we need us all to work together to demonstrate what a positive difference Labour can make to all of our lives locally through its progressive policies.

Labour have plans to build a better Britain for everyone. It’s time for change and Labour will make that change happen.

Will you help us achieve that change?


Martin Field is chair of the North East Cambridgeshire Constituency Labour Party Team


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